A real life Horror Story: In the “dead” of winter
I feel sorry for her.
An Ohio woman died because of cold weather. Her name was Eugenia Michele Wadman. She went outside in her yard on a very cold night to let her dog out. Here a yard means a small area in front of, around or behind a house. She was wearing light pajamas, which were not warm enough. She froze to death.
When the weather changed, and the leaves died, Daryl knew he would have a lot of work to do in the yard.
Wadman fell in the snow and could not get back up. She tried to crawl but could not move well. Crawling is to move on your hands and knees. She tried to move, but the cold weather made it hard. The temperature was very low, about 20°F (-6°C). This caused her to get very cold and die from hypothermia.
Julie couldn’t see well so she had crawl on the floor to find them.
The police came to her house after someone called for help the next morning. They found Wadman in her yard, but it was too late to save her. They do not think someone hurt her on purpose, but they are still checking what happened. On purpose means you did something because you wanted to; not accidentally. There is no sign of any crime. Doctors are checking her body to learn more.
They all stayed awake late on purpose so they could watch the movie.
Hypothermia is very dangerous in cold weather. Some people in Ohio also died this winter because of the cold. Doctors say to watch for symptoms like shivering, feeling very tired, or forgetting things. To shiver means to shake because you are very cold. If your skin changes color or you feel very sick, you should see a doctor.
Harold knew he was not wearing the right clothes for his walk when he started shivering.
Wadman’s story shows how important it is to stay safe in winter. In winter, it is important to wear warm clothes, even for short trips outside. Health experts advise looking for signs of frostbite or hypothermia. If someone feels very cold or confused, they should get help quickly. This tragic story shows how dangerous freezing weather can be. When something is tragic it’s very sad, often about a lot of pain or death.
Sarah told me a tragic story of a tree falling on a house after it was cut killing two family members.
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