We know that you know who did it!!
Even you Cookie Monster have to follow the rules.
A person dressed as Cookie Monster, a funny character from Sesame Street, was caught driving too fast. If you catch someone doing something it means that you saw them doing something embarrassing, wrong or secret. The car was going 60 mph on a road where the limit was 50 mph. The driver was photographed by a speed camera in Germany. The police are looking for the person.
We caught dad dancing in the garage. He said he was just cleaning.
The speeding car, an Audi, is registered to a 57-year-old man. When you register for something you put your name and other information on an official list. However, the police do not know if he was driving or if someone else was wearing the Cookie Monster costume. The driver will have to pay a fine of 40 euros.
The super heros wanted to register their team in the city but they were told the city already had a team.
The police believe the driver was playing a prank by wearing the mask. A prank is a trick that is intended to be funny. They think the person wanted the speed camera to take a funny picture. But the police do not find this funny because it is dangerous to drive with a mask.
My dad and I played a prank on my sister by putting himself inside a huge teddy bear. You should have seen their faces when he moved!!
The police said the costume made it hard to see clearly while driving. This could cause accidents and hurt people. They warned that driving too fast or wearing something distracting is unsafe for everyone on the road. When you distract someone you make them stop giving their attention to something.
Don’t let things distract you as you drive. You might have an accident.
In Germany, taking pictures of car accidents is also illegal. People who do this can get a fine or go to jail. The government wants to stop this because it invades privacy and makes it harder for emergency workers to help. Privacy is when you don’t want others to know your secret information.
I have an assistant robot. She asks me for privacy whenever she goes into sleep mode.
Now, tell me what you think. Do you think this person caused trouble by putting on a mask or is it not so serious. What about taking pictures of people’s accidents? Do you think it’s an invasion of their privacy? Remember to use at least one of the words you learned above.