Want a “pizza” my mind?

A pizza delivery woman in Florida became angry when a customer gave her a small tip. She delivered a pizza to a family in a motel. The pizza cost $33, and the customer gave her $2 because she had no smaller bills. The delivery woman, Brianna Alvelo, felt upset and left. Upset means worried, unhappy or angry.

Everybody was upset when their favorite team lost 0 - 10!!

Later, the woman returned to the motel with a man. A motel is a small hotel and has doors that open to the outside. They wore masks and entered the family's room. The man had a gun, and the woman had a knife. The delivery woman hurt the customer by stabbing her many times. The police said Brianna attacked the woman 14 times because she didn’t like the small tip.

Traveling from New York to Florida, the family found a real nice motel to stay for the night.

The mom tried to protect her daughter and call for help, but Brianna smashed her phone and kept attacking. To protect means to keep someone or something safe from injury, damage, or loss. The customer was protecting her 5-year-old child when she was attacked. The delivery woman also broke the child’s toy before leaving the room. The man with the gun told them to leave, and they ran away.

The castle’s walls protected the people from the attacking army.

The customer was taken to the hospital. She had stab wounds on her chest, arms, and legs. A wound is an area of the body that is hurt by a cut or a hole. At the hospital, she found out she was pregnant. Luckily, the police caught the delivery woman later. She worked at Marco’s Pizza and drove a red Toyota. Security cameras showed her car at the motel two times that night. The police arrested her, but the man is still missing.

Keeping a wound clean is important to help it heal.

The shop owners said they were sorry for what happened. The pizza company apologized and is working with the police. When you apologize you tell someone that you’re sorry. They said safety is very important to them, and they want to make sure nothing like this happens again. They also said they are helping the police with their investigation. The woman is now in jail and facing serious charges.

The son apologized to his father for crashing his favorite car.


A real life Horror Story: In the “dead” of winter


this story Is hard for me to tell you!!