For Now We’ll Say This Is Mud…But Only For Now

You don’t want to know what’s in those buckets!

Children Locked in a Dirty Room

Oklahoma U.S.A. - Two young boys, aged three and four, were found locked in a dirty bedroom in Oklahoma City. The police said the smell of urine and feces was very strong. The boys were very dirty, with feces on their hands, faces, and bodies. Feces is the solid waste that comes out of humans and animals.

Both parents were thinking, is the smell of feces coming from the baby or the dog?

A Very Dirty Home

The apartment was in very bad condition. Police saw piles of feces on the stairs. The boys’ bedroom had no furniture except a small slide and some toys. The floor and walls were covered in a brown substance, which police believed was feces. When you cover a thing, you put something over it or on it.

Haven learned the hard way. Do not buy cheap pens because now she’s covered in ink.

A Locked Room with a Camera

The boys' room had only one window, but it was also covered in feces. Police found small handprints on the walls. There was a bed frame in the closet but no mattress. A mattress is something used to sleep on. A camera was mounted on the wall near the ceiling.

Logan is a good student. He sa9d he would sleep on his mattress for 10 minute nap. That was 3 hours ago.

Parents Arrested

The boys’ stepfather Dakota Dodd, 24, admitted that the boys were locked in the room for 12 hours each day. When you admit something, you tell the truth, even if you don't really want to. He said their mother, Aubrianna Freeman, 22, needed sleep. A neighbor called the police after seeing the boys naked in the window. The police took the boys and their baby sister to the hospital.

Madison admits that she only goes to the gym for her Instagram.

Children Are Safe Now

The police wore hazmat suits because the apartment was so dirty. The children are now safe and with child welfare services. Their parents were arrested and charged with child neglect. When you neglect something, you don't give it enough attention. You ignore it. Their bail is set at $250,000 each.

Mario neglected to charge his phone. Now he has to have meetings face to face - which he hates!

Bonus: Today’s Idiom

For my more advanced readers, it’s now time for you to “get your hands dirty”. Tell me, in the comments below, what do you think about this story? And remember to use at least one of the vocabulary words you learned above and please, “keep it clean.”

The idiom, “time to get your hands dirty” means that it’s time to get to work. Most likely you don’t like what you’ll have to do. Tell me, in which situations can this idiom be used?

Please take the quiz for this story here:


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