And the burning question is…

We’ll learn that New York City can be the hottest place to be.

Subway Criminal

A terrible crime happened in New York. A man set a woman on fire in a subway train. She was sleeping when he lit her clothes. The fire spread fast. If something spreads then it expands or stretches out. The woman burned and died. People in the subway were shocked. Police and firefighters came to help, but it was too late.

I sneezed and glitter spread everywhere. I don’t know how I’m going to clean this up.

Add Fuel To The Fire

A video showed the man watching the woman burn. A police officer came over but he was too late to help. Later, the man got up and left. Another video showed him fanning the fire. Here, the word fan means to use air to help something spread or increase. The police asked people if they saw anything. The suspect sat nearby but did not run away.

Josiah used his hands to fan the charcoal so the heat could spread.

Teen Heros

Three teenagers saw the man at another subway station. They called the police. Officers found him on a train. He wore the same clothes as before. They stopped the train and arrested him. If the police arrest someone it’s because they might have done a crime. He had a lighter in his pocket. The police thanked the teenagers for helping.

Mommy called the police to arrest my father because he wanted to stay home and play video games and not go shopping.

When Strangers Attack

The police do not know why the man did this. They think he did not know the woman. He came from Guatemala in 2018. The police are checking if he lived in the U.S. legally. There is no record of him committing crimes before. Here, committing means to do something that is thought of as being wrong or illegal.

Never commit the crime of eating somebody’s last french fry. You’ll have less friends that way.

Public Safety

There is more crime in the subway now. The government sent more soldiers to keep people safe. But attacks still happen. On the same day, a man was stabbed on a different train. To stab means to push a knife into someone or something. Another train worker was hurt. Many people are worried about safety in the subway.

Hakeem thought it would be funny if he scared his friends by stabbing the balloons at their graduation party.

Today’s Idiom

For my more advanced readers, here’s “the burning question”, I want to know, why didn’t the woman move when she felt the flames? Tell me what you think below in the comments and remember to use at least one of the words you learned above when you write.


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