A father attempts to save his daughter from an illness.
“It Began In Uganda.”
A nurse in Uganda has died from Ebola. He worked at a big hospital in Kampala, the capital city. He had a fever and went to different hospitals before doctors confirmed he had Ebola. If you have a fever then your body’s temperature is higher than normal. The nurse passed away this Wednesday.
If you have a fever that means your body is fighting off germs to keep you healthy.
“He Passed? Passed By what? ”
Doctors and health workers are trying to stop the spread of Ebola. After the nurse passed away authorities are checking people who were close to the nurse, like hospital workers and his family. Pass away is another way to say he died. The government says they are working hard to control the disease.
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“Where Does It Come From?”
Ebola is a dangerous virus. It spreads when people touch the blood or body fluids of someone who is sick. It causes fever, vomiting, and bleeding. There is no vaccine for this type of Ebola. The word type here means a group of things that are the same in some way. Ebola is originally a virus found in some animals that can spread to humans.
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“Close But Not Exact”
Uganda has had Ebola before. In 2022, many people got sick, and over 50 people died. Other countries in East Africa have also had similar diseases. If something is similar to something else then it has many things that are the same but it’s not exactly the same. The World Health Organization is helping Uganda fight the outbreak.
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“Stay Away”
Doctors say it is important to find and help sick people quickly. Uganda is trying to stop Ebola from spreading. People should go to the hospital if they feel sick and be careful to avoid the virus. When you avoid something you try to stay away from that person, place or situation.
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“Bonus: Today’s Idiom”
For my more advanced readers, tell me in the comments below, what do you do when you start feel sick or just “a little blue”? Remember to use at least one of the vocabulary words you learned above.