body parts For sale?!
I’m a head hunter - literally!!
A woman named Candace Chapman Scott worked at a place where bodies were taken care of after death. She took body parts, like brains, hearts, and lungs, and hawked them online. Here, hawking means to sell things unofficially publicly. This is against the law. She met a man, Jeremy Lee Pauley, on Facebook who wanted to buy these body parts.
Thomas tried to hawk his brother's stinky socks at the market, telling everyone they were new—but nobody wanted to buy them!"
Candace sent the body parts to Jeremy. She found him on Facebook in a group that talked about buying and selling body parts. This happened from 2021 to 2022. She was paid $10,625 for these parts. The families of the dead people thought their loved ones were being cremated, but this did not happen. Cremating is burning something to ashes, usually a body.
You are supposed to roast your mashmellows and not cremate them turning them to ashes.
Candace told lies to families who trusted her to take care of their loved ones after they died. One baby, called Baby Lux, was part of this crime. The baby’s family got the wrong ashes, and they were very sad. The FBI found the baby’s body in another place. The mother said it was like her baby was treated as a package. To treat means to behave with someone or something in a special way.
If you treat your car like it’s alive it might start talking to you.
The police found out about what Candace and Jeremy did. Candace went to court and admitted she was guilty. To admit means to agree that something is true, usually unwillingly. Candace was sent to prison for 15 years for her crimes. Jeremy is waiting for his punishment. The FBI called this crime horrible. They worked hard to bring justice to the families. The judge said this was one of the worst crimes he had ever seen.
Nora admitted to wearing her pajamas to college. She said it’s because they’re so comfortable!
This case showed a bad secret world where body parts are sold. Many people are hurt by these actions. Many people, including the FBI, said this crime was terrible. The court and the FBI want to stop this from happening again. The family of Baby Lux is heartbroken. This case shows how important it is to protect people who donate their bodies for learning and science. A donation is to give something without wanting anything in return.
He wanted to donate his brain to science, but they told him no because it was used.
I am now all ears and I want to know what do you think of this story?