A $1,000,000 iphone?!
TikTok is a popular app for short videos. It was banned in the U.S. for a short time. People who deleted TikTok cannot download it again. However, those who kept it on their phones can still use it. TikTok is no longer available in app stores. Here, the word available means that someone can buy it or use it. Keep reading to learn why America banned TikTok.
PlayStation 6 is available for preorder?
Some people are selling phones with TikTok installed. These phones are on eBay for very high prices, like $500 or more. Some are listed for thousands of dollars. Many phones have no bids, but older models with TikTok are selling for $100 to $200. Listed, in this sentence, means to make something available for people to buy usually online.
Why did the store owner list the bikes for sale online? Because the bikes were too-tired to do it themselves.
People deleted TikTok because they thought the ban would last longer. Now, they want it back. Since TikTok is not in app stores, they are buying phones with TikTok already installed. Sellers know this and ask for high prices. To ban something is to not allow it.
In my house, my mom put a ban on playing with Legos. Stepping on them really hurts!
Remember, Tik Tok was also banned in India in June, 2020 for the same reasons the US wants to ban it now which is data security. They both say that the application secretly collects and gives your information to the Chinese government. The U.S. government wants TikTok to find a new owner. If this happens, TikTok may return to app stores. Big companies or rich people might buy TikTok. Some experts believe a deal will be made soon. An expert is a person with a lot of knowledge or skill.
Emma is an expert a making paper airplanes that fly super far.
It is unclear when TikTok will return to app stores. Until then, phones with TikTok installed are valuable to those who still want to use the app. Phones with TikTok can still use the app, but they cannot get updates. Without updates, the app might stop working in the future. Users hope TikTok will come back to app stores. Until then, many are trying to find other ways to use it. Valuable in this sentence means important, useful or beneficial.
I think we all can agree that a good teacher is very valuable.
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Are you worried about Tik Tok spying on you? Whats the most you would pay for a good phone? Use the vocabulary you learned above when you write.