Eat to live or live to eat?

Why did the French fries break up with the French dressing? Because she was too saucy!

Today, over 1 billion people, including children and adults, live with obesity. Obese means extremely fat. This is the most common form of poor nutrition globally. Obesity is increasing quickly, especially in low-income countries, where many people are moving from being underweight to being obese. This change is surprising, as experts thought this level would be reached by 2030, but it happened earlier in 2022.

Obesity tried to sneak up on me, but I caught it red-handed at the all-you-can-eat buffet.

Obesity and underweight are both problems for health. Adults are considered obese if their BMI is 30 or higher, while underweight means a BMI below 18.5. For children, it depends on their age and sex. In 2022, 880 million adults and 159 million children were living with obesity. Obesity among children has quadrupled since 1990, and more adults are also obese now than before. If you quadruple something, then you multiply it by four.

If I quadrupled the cats I have, then I’ll have 16 cats!

Most countries have more obese people than underweight ones. In poorer areas like Polynesia, the Caribbean, and the Middle East, obesity rates are higher than in many rich countries. For example, in Tonga and Nauru, more than 60% of adults are obese. Experts say the fast growth of obesity is due to changes in food systems without proper rules to protect health. Here, due to means because of.

Due to the snow, my plans to go to work turned into plans to make hot cocoa then play in the snow.

To fight obesity, governments need better policies. Some ideas include taxing sugary drinks, making healthy foods available in schools, and improving food labels. These changes can help prevent obesity and support healthy eating habits. Your habit is something that you due regularly, almost without thinking about it. Countries like France and Mexico have already seen positive results from such policies.

My habit of hitting snooze has officially become a full-time job.

Experts say it is important for communities, governments, and businesses to work together. An expert is someone who has a lot of skill or knowledge about something. Obesity is a big challenge, but with better food and health systems, people can live healthier lives everywhere.

Because I’m an expert at procrastination, I can tell you everything you want to know about it - tomorrow!

Let’s “chew the fat’ about this in the comments.


All that glitters is not gold