I Am Michael Myers!
Source: Fox 13 Memphis
Are You Crazy?!!
Memphis, TN - Joshua Dotson is a man from Tennessee who did very bad things. He referred to himself as a serial killer. To refer, here means what you are talking about or what was mentioned. He killed five people, including his girlfriend and her unborn baby. He called himself “the Michael Myers of Tennessee,” like the scary movie character. The court gave him a long punishment so he will stay in prison for the rest of his life.
Car salesman, “Which Audi are you referring to, the black one or the white one?” Customer, “I’m referring to the one in the back; the white one with gold trim.” Remember that the word refer means what you are talking about.
I’m Just Getting Started
Dotson’s first crime happened in 2019. He fatally shot and killed an 18-year-old named Divieon Parker in a parking lot. Fatal is something that causes death. In May 2020, he killed two more people, Reginald Anderson and Renita Bennett, near a park in Memphis. These were very serious crimes.
Playing in the rain, the soccer player tripped and hit his head on the ball. His fall was fatal and embarrassing.
And He Killed A Baby?!
In June 2020, Dotson did something even worse. He shot his girlfriend, Jamesha Covson, who was 19 years old and pregnant. He fired through her door and killed both her and her unborn baby. The police said he did this because she knew about his previous crimes. The word previous here means other or earlier; the one before.
Her previous workout was so tough so today she’ll just relax and eat cookies!
Where’s Judge Dredd When You Need Him?
In 2024, Dotson went to court. He spoke for himself and called himself a “serial killer.” He also said he was like Michael Myers from the “Halloween” movies. His words shocked many people. The court found him guilty and gave him a very long sentence. Here, the meaning of guilty is to be responsible for breaking a law or doing something wrong.
We can’t lie! We’re all guilty of loving chicken nuggets and french fries with a cold soda once in a while - like every day!
Is This Enough Time?
The judge gave Dotson 159 years for three murders. This was added to his 102-year sentence for killing his girlfriend and her unborn baby. In total, he will spend 261 years in prison. Spend here means to pass time. The police and lawyers said they are happy he cannot hurt anyone else.
Ana loved to spend the weekend squading up with her friends to play Call Of Duty.
Our Thoughts
For my more advanced readers, is this something new to you or have you heard of similar stories before? Many of us have only heard of evil people in movies but not in real life. Many of us look up to good people to follow and not fake movie villains. There’s an English expression that says, “The line between fact and fiction is thin.” Let’s discuss this and the story in the comments below. And remember to use at least one of the vocabulary words you learn above.
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