Out of the frying pan into the fire
What is a fireman’s favorite movie? Fast and Fiery-ous.
A man driving a red fire truck stopped near a fire in Palisades, California. Police were manning the area. Here, man means to be present for work. He told the police he was a firefighter. He wore a firefighter uniform, and his truck looked real. The truck had lights, license plates, and an American flag.
The emergency room is always manned by doctors and nurses.
A real firefighter noticed something strange about the truck's stickers. When something is strange, it is unusual and unexpected. Police checked the man's ID and found his name was Dustin Nehl. He was from Oregon. The police discovered he went to jail before for starting fires.
Dr. Mary Rose discovered a new strange creature while exploring Mars.
Dustin and his wife, Jennifer, were arrested. To be arrested is when police think someone has done a crime. They will take them away until they learn more about that crime. The police said they were pretending to be firefighters. They also entered a place that was not safe to visit. The police planned to give their case to a judge.
If you’re arrested, that doesn’t mean you’re guilty.
Dustin was not the first person to pretend to be a firefighter. When you pretend, you act like something is true when you know it’s not. Another man named Ivan Reed was caught doing the same thing. He was wearing a uniform and carrying a radio. Police found stolen things with him.
He remembers pretending to be a pirate when he was a boy.
Dustin and his wife did not steal anything, but they had tools that burglars use. To burglar means to enter someone’s home without permission and steal. They also had maps and radios. The truck was very old and sold many years ago. Dustin told a hotel he was a firefighter to get a free room.
Usually homes are burgled when a family is on vacation.
Now, I’m going to hold your feet to the fire, because I want you to understand these 5 vocabulary words.