Welcome To New York City

New York City has “safe injection sites” where drug addicts can use drugs outdoors without the police arresting them.

What’s Your Problem?

New York City has a big problem with drugs. Many people take drugs in public. Some do not even notice anymore while others do not seem surprised. When you notice something, you see it and you pay some attention to it. Some workers remember when drug problems were bad in the past. Now, the problem is worse again. Some people say the city makes it easy to stay on drugs, not to stop.

As Jack was texting his wife he didn’t notice the bus about to hit him.

I’m Just Hanging Out

One man stood on the street with a needle in his arm for five minutes. People walked around him like nothing was wrong. The government gives clean needles to drug users to stop diseases. But some believe this makes it easier for people to keep using drugs. A man named Abraham Hwang moved to New York to stop using drugs, but his addiction got worse. If someone is addicted to something, they need more and more levels of that thing just to feel normal.

Patrick and his friends were so addicted to video games that they would play them even at summer camp!

Protect Yourself

People who work near these places feel unsafe. A woman who works in a store says drug users steal things. Another worker says he carries a Taser to protect himself. Visitors to the city are shocked to see people using drugs in the open. A shock is a big unpleasant surprise. A visitor from England said New York has changed a lot. Drug overdoses have increased 85% in 2023.

Aliyyah laughed at herself because when she was younger she was shocked when she learned that the moon wasn’t made of Swiss cheese.

From Bad To Worse

The city has special places where drug users can take drugs safely. Some believe this helps people, but others say it makes the problem worse. More people have died from drugs in recent years. When something is recent, it happened in the past but not long ago. The number of overdose deaths in New York has gone up in recent years. The police do not stop people from using drugs in public.

The aliens recently attacked Earth so Sarah led the army against them.

A Vending Machine?!!

Some people think the city should stop drug dealers instead of helping users. A former police officer says New York is now very dirty and dangerous because of drugs. Former means happening, existing or true in the past. But a former mayor wants to open more “safe injection sites” and make available vending machines that provide pills for addicts that might overdose. Some drug addicts even smoke crack publicly. The city says needle programs stop diseases, but many people feel unsafe.

Before becoming a race care driver, Brandon was formerly a teacher. Now he’s know as one of the best drivers in the world.

Bonus: Today’s Idiom

For my more advanced readers, do you think that New York City should “kick the habit” and “go cold turkey” or should people be allowed to continue “shooting up”? Tell me what you think in the comments below and remember to use at least one of the words you learned above.


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